Windows 8.1 ではスタートボタンが戻ってくるだろう

Windows 8.1 ではスタートボタンが戻ってくるだろう


One of my sources confirmed this is now looking like the plan and added that Microsoft is also considering bringing back the Start button as an option with Windows Blue.

私の情報源の1つからは(Metroスタイルをスキップする)その計画が裏付けられ、またMicrosoftがスタートボタンをWindows Blueのオプションとして復活させようと検討していることも確認された。

It's not 100 percent sure that either/both of these options will be baked into the final Blue release, which is expected to be released to manufacturing on or around August 2013. I guess we'll have a better indication once the next milestone build, a.k.a. the Blue Preview, leaks ― or when the public version of that preview goes live around June.


 → Microsoft's Windows 8 Plan B(lue): Bring back the Start button, boot to desktop | ZDNet